Only a cloud | Ugly cloud | Smoking? | Bastoncillos - Swabs | Gorros y babuchas | Who holds whom? | Merry Xmas and Happy 2019 | :-)) | ¿Gustavo? | Estelas | Bossa nova | Nube | Paciencia al atardecer | ////\\\\ | La luz es caprichosa | El salón | Las hojas secas | SPx2 | Nespresso | La mesa de las cositas | Paraguas | Las flores secas | La toalla | La llaves | La taza roja | Rosebud | Bolis | Acariciando la luna | Tren a ninguna parte | Enredada - Netted | La ventana del comedor | Mi mesilla de noche | Luces y sombras en el comedor | La sombra del collar | Y se hizo la luz | Luz de mediodía | La dieta (3) - Despues de la dieta ;-) | Careful now! | Aerovía de 5 carriles | Detalle de una cortina... iluminada por detrás | Respiradero - Vent | ¿Lo entiendes, Puli? | Repsol | Weathercock | El duende de las flores | Graffiti 'enmusgado' | Calf | Buscando la diagonal - 30 | Buscando la diagonal - 27 | Buscando la diagonal - 26 | Buscando la diagonal - 17 | Buscando la diagonal - 15 | QWERTY - (Buscando la diagonal - 14) | Buscando la diagonal - 12 | Buscando la diagonal - 6 | Y se hizo la luz | ¡Venga, hombre! ¡Dale de una vez a la pelotita! | Tensando la catenaria | Fotos y rosas | Cierre de seguridad | GA 09 | 76 (Fin - The End) | 74 | 58 | 55 | 55 | 54 | 48 | 47 | 46 | 45 | 43 - | 43 | 38 - | 38 | 36 | 34 | 32 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 --- | 26 -- | 26 - | 26 | 24 - | 24 | 23 -- | 23 - | 23 | 22 | 21 -- | 21 - | 21 | 20 --- | 20 -- | 20 - | 20 | 18 -- | 18 - | 18 | 17 ---- | 17 --- | 17 -- | 17 - | 17 | 16 - | 16 | 15 - | 15 | 14 -- | 14 - | 14 | 13 | 12 -- | 12 - | 12 | 11 - | 11 | 10 - | 10 | 9 - | 9 | 8 - | 8 | 7 ---- | 7 --- | 7 -- | 7 - | 7 | 6 - | 6 | 5 - | 5 | 4 | 3 - | 3 | 2 - | 2 | 1 | ¿...? | Compartiendo la siesta / Sharing the "siesta" | Cazador cazado - Hunted hunter | Atardecer en un charco | Hoy a medianoche se abrirá esta puerta | Un tribuno romano recibe a extraterrestres | Tirador de cajón - Handle of a drawer | El Circo del Sol al sol | ¡Ojo! Que a mi me parece una castaña de foto | Oatlands Park Hotel | Desde dentro (2) / From inside (2) | Llegando al MDSCC | Depuradora - Sewage treatment plant | ¡Me están parcelando el cielo! | Señores pasajeros... ¡Hip!... | Mi paraguas negro - My black umbrella | Preparando el equipaje - Getting ready to pack | Madrid a pie de calle | Invitación - Invitation | 2013 Calendar | Taking care of me | Gossip | Walking the dogs | Sleeping like a log..., but with the eyes wide ope | Autumn is leaving us | Duck of Snow | Doctor's Office 3 | Moon and Venus | Luminous Fountain | Candles | Soap | The girl's bathroom | Bolt | The magnifying glass | Underwear | I'll beat you to NYC. Wanna bet? | Bowl of quinces | 22º halo | Light and crystal | Jets | KNOCK! KNOCK! Anybody home? | Coffee with lemon | Umbrella stand | Sutileza - Subtlety | Use your imagination freely | What did you think, that I wouldn't take any? | Waterfall | Corridor | A four leaf clover | Moon and Jupiter | Lunar big bird | Of course they make noise. A lot of noise! | Swabs | No! Not in the microwave! | I can't afford a yacht | My camera's revenge | The lamp in our living room | My private Rainbow | New solar lamp | Meteorite over Rancho-K | Flowers on the little glass table next to the sofa | Grandma's old vertical piano (IV) | Window to darkness | Prehistoric bowling ball | Several diagonals | Well at Café Babel | If beer doesn't come to me... | I'd invite you to a beer | Net curtain | Guess what I was involved in when I took it? | Fireworks | Our dining room | Feather | Grandma's old vertical piano | Perro de bronce - Bronze dog | Pluma - Feather | Luz sobre pipas - Light over pipes | Luna - Moon | En la cocina - In the kitchen | Curas y gaviotas - Priests and seagulls | Return to Archive
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